Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts
hydrating foods for beautiful skin
I never get tired of saying it: you are what you eat. And they surprised the number of times people look at me strangely. And it's weird because in itself already know it's not right to eat pure pizza, chips, cakes and tacos, still reluctant to pass on the other side. On the side where the food gives you beautiful hair and a beautiful skin. You can spend whatever you want in creams and treatments, but if you do not attend what matters, the inside, you probably will not see any changes. So for you to change this, we have a list that will guide you along the way to a beautiful skin.
1. Cucumber
The richest in water. They are 96% water. That means cucumbers provide a lot of hydration necessary for the skin. The water in this vegetable contains a rich amount of enzymes that aid digestion. Which means that your body can use the energy that would normally use for digestion to healing skin. I practice it? Cucumber can freeze and add to smoothies, juice, lemon water or add water to hydrate additionally.
Si comes estos 8 Alimentos tendrás Una Piel Hermosa Y Saludable
Algunos alimentos son
capaces de desempeñar un papel significativo en la salud de la piel, en
realidad, también pueden ser adecuados para luchar contra el acné, disminuir la
apariencia de las arruga y mejorar la belleza de la piel en general.
Los Beneficios de consumir agua tibia con limón cada mañana
Los limones tienen muchos beneficios para la salud que se han conocido por siglos. Los dos mayores son su fuerte poder antibacterial, antiviral y los poderes de estimulación inmunológica, así como su uso como una ayuda para la pérdida de peso porque el jugo de limón es, asimismo, digestivo y depurativo del hígado.
Causes darkening of the skin of the neck and axilassas
The skin of the neck and armpits are very prone to oscureceres areas because in this part tend to accumulate the resulting dead cells uses chemicals such as deodorant, anti-perspirant, lotions and other kinds of cosmetics and sun exposure they are generating black patches on the skin that usually make the skin look dirty or stained affecting us to ethical levels.
The care we have with our skin are essential to prevent and treat dark spots on the skin to not be affected with this problem of beauty such as the use of products with alcohol causes dead cells vallan setting in the skin that make you look that dark skin tone that looks dirty; also when exposed to the sun our skin undergoes obvious changes also cause this type of stains.
The main key to preventing this problem is to take care of the sun and know how to choose our beauty product, but if you are already suffering from darkening asilas and neck do not worry we have some excellent home remedies that can help you whiten this area skin naturally.
Chlamydia sexually transmitted disease common
Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease. It is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. It can infect men and women. Women can get chlamydia in the cervix, rectum or throat.
Chlamydia infection is a common STD that can infect both men and women. It can cause serious and permanent damage to the reproductive system of a woman and make it more difficult or impossible to become pregnant in the future. Chlamydia can also cause ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus) which can be fatal.
Most people who have chlamydia have no symptoms. If you have symptoms, you may not appear for several weeks after you have had sex with an infected person. Even when they do not cause symptoms, chlamydia can damage your reproductive system.
Chlamydia infection is a common STD that can infect both men and women. It can cause serious and permanent damage to the reproductive system of a woman and make it more difficult or impossible to become pregnant in the future. Chlamydia can also cause ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus) which can be fatal.
Most people who have chlamydia have no symptoms. If you have symptoms, you may not appear for several weeks after you have had sex with an infected person. Even when they do not cause symptoms, chlamydia can damage your reproductive system.
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