Most women experience female problems occasionally, for misfortunes that are common not do less embarrassing. marginal bad smell can make you frustrating because it can make you feel dirty even if that is not the case, there are several causes of bad feminine odor, but here we will discuss the five most important culprits.
Bacterial Vaginosis: vaginosis sounds like a great expression of fear but it is actually very common in fact is the most common vaginal odor causes, each vaginal has many bacteria develop naturally but when they experience excessive growth appears vaginosis .
Most women in their reproductive years experience this condition, it is said that unprotected sex and frequent douching can put us at greater risk, other symptoms include itching, pain and discharge.
some cases are solved by themselves but doctors recommend that in all cases to visit their doctors and avoid a few common complications, but you record, treatment for bacterial vaginosis is usually as simple as a treatment with antibiotics.